Linda Ertel shares a second blog post of thoughts and photos on the early days of Tosa Cares. Read Part 1 here!
The shelves were rebuilt, donations from the police station were organized by categories on the shelves, more food was collected. Tosa for Kids provided a list of ten families they had been providing with food. From that list of ten families four families could be reached and these four families were invited to be our first Tosa Cares guests on Saturday, March 22, 2008. We were excited, we were ready, the boxes of food were packed.
On Friday, March 21, 2008, a snow storm dropped 15 inches of snow in the Wauwatosa area. The Tosa Cares volunteers arrived on Saturday morning to a parking lot covered with snow, not an inch plowed. Shovels were dispatched and a path from the pantry door to the road, was uncovered.
Somehow, our first families found their way inside to the warmth and excitement of the volunteers. Those boxes of food were enthusiastically carried out to the vehicles in the street. Tosa Cares is real. We provided food for four families including 18 individuals.
In celebration of our 15th Anniversary please consider making a monthly recurring donation! Even monthly donations as little as $5/month are a huge benefit for the pantry and help us predict our month to month budgets. Donations can be made on our Givebutter page, are safe and secure, and can be cancelled anytime. Click here to donate today!
